Contact This is a Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.) Nation compliant club offering formal bass tournaments and informal Bass Tournaments. The classifications will consist of B.A.S.S. Tournaments being formal and special tournaments being informal. top water bass assassins will be a club helping anglers connect to B.A.S.S. in the Southern region. The other side of this club will be special tournaments out of Florida.
Club members will have access to fish formal trails B.A.S.S. Tournaments that consist of and not limited to Adult Pro/Am, Adult Team, Kayak, Collegiate, High School, & Junior High, to name a few.
club members will also have a chance to fish Special tournaments consisting of and not limited to club tournaments and public relation tournaments, Fishing for a cause.
The TWBA Club tournaments will offer the following: * Boater $65.00 * Non-boater $65.00 * Adult Boat Team $80.00 * Kayak $25.00 * Bank Fisher $10.00 * Compete With a Guide $80.00 See TWBA Club tournaments for more details and sign-up to enjoy "Bass fishing!" If you are a club member and want to host a tournament notify TWBA. Contact Top water bass assassins for more details.